The shop

Starting from the beginning in 1985, Tina and Giorgio Martinoli have aimed at a system to sell their fruit and vegetables production directly to end users, without intermediaries. In 1990 indeed, they started to sell their products in local markets having a good customer success talking about quality and final price, what is currently defined “Short chain”.

Also today, the Farm Holidays “Il Cavenago” applies the same system and sells its own production directly ; at this purpose a room of the Farm Holidays has been partly dedicated to the shop, where you can buy all the fresh products coming from our Farm production (fruit, vegetables, eggs etc..) and products worked in our internal laboratory like :

Strawberry jam
Pear jam
Plum jam
Peach jam
Apricot jam
Saturn peach jam
“Beefsteak tomato” sauce
Courgettes in oil
Eggplants in oil

Upon reservation you can buy the courtyard animals coming from our breeding (hens, ducks, guinea-hens, geese and rabbits). They are cleaned and worked, ready to be cooked. You can also find products coming from other local farms like :

Wines produced by the main wineries in the area
the fine honeys of acacia, chestnut, linden, honeydew etc…. Ghemme is also the town of honey.
the great Carnaroli and Arborio rice produced around 15 km far from the Farm Holidays the homemade Pasta obtained from Kamut, Buckwheat and Red rice flours.

We also package gift baskets or boxes.